Amoris Laetitia – The Controversy

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Celebrating my 50 years of priesthood, with all the pastoral experience I humbly acquired, I strongly believe that Pope Francis’s exhortation Amoris Laetitia, especially chapter eight, came as an extraordinary pastoral tool which will help one and all – fundamentalists included – in our discernment when we help those who still come to us. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to our bishops.

Some short reflections:

  1. In the words of the memorable and wise Bishop Emanuel Galea in the wake of Vatican II, there is a lot to conserve and a lot to progress on within the Church.
  2. Church teaching accepts the development of doctrine. Now, if there is any field where one expects this development, it is definitely in the Church’s teaching on the family.
  3. To those who are perplexed with the stand of certain personalities within the hierarchy, this also occurred during Vatican II. Respectful names like that of Cardinal Ottaviani promptly come to mind. But it was Pope John XXIII who was proven right. Also, Amoris Letitia is an exhortation that is the fruit of two Synods and not a Motu Proprio. Fundamentalists please note.
  4. Theologians like Bernard Haring, I am sure, would have liked to live the present moment we are living within the Church. The mentality of dura lex, sed lex (the law is harsh, but it is the law) does not hold in this day and age. The equally eternal virtue of mercy is more proper as things have developed.
  5. I will conclude by saying, Thank-you Pope, Thank you Bishops.

Fr John Caruana

4 thoughts on “Amoris Laetitia – The Controversy”

  1. Grazzi Fr. John Jiena dejjem emmint li l-Knisja kienet u għadha mmexxija mill-istess Spirtu s-Santu li bla dubbju ikun magħha f’kull deċiżjoni mportanti li tiehu. Ghadna kif ħriġna mis-sena ġubilari tal-Ħniena. Dawk li jinsabu fi problemi, ħniena għandhom bżonn u mhux kundanna.

  2. Is there any other way for a Christian except mercy? What’s all the argument about?

  3. Prosit Dun Gwann. Jalla jkollna hafna aktar sacerdoti li jifhmu aktar il-hniena u mhux biss il-ligi

  4. Kliem ta’ sacerdot li fil-missjoni twila tieghu mess mat-tbatija tal-persuni fdati lilu. Li ma wettaqx il-pastorali minn go l-ufficcju. Li fehem tassew, li kif jghid il-Papa Frangisku, il-Knisja hi sptar fuq il-kamp tal-battalja.

    U jiena nistaqsi, f’liema sptar li huwa tassew dehen ta’ dan l-isem, jimxu mal-feruti bil-ligi u mhux bil-hniena?

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