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Il-Fakulta tat-Teologija ser tkompli bis-SEMINARS miftuha ghall-pubbliku dwar temi marbuta mal-fidi u l-isfidi pastorali…. 

Is-Seminars li jmiss fl-ewwel semestru tas-sena skolastika 2017-2018 huma dawn:

Seminar § 1 ser isir l-Erbgha, 18 ta’ Ottubru, 1600hrs, Faculty of Theology, Boardroom (317) dwar “Julian of Norwich’s Experience of Prayer and Contemplation”.
Speaker: Dr Edward Joseph Clemmer

Seminar § 2 ser isir l-Erbgha, 15 ta’ Novembru, 1600hrs, 1600hrs, Faculty of Theology, Boardroom (317) dwar “Moses the Prophet. Fact or Fiction”
Speaker: Rev. Joseph Ciappara OFM

Seminar § 3 ser isir it-Tlieta, 12 ta’ Dicembru, 1600hrs , Faculty of Theology, Boardroom (317) dwar “Science and Religion”
Speaker: Rev. Chris Caruana OP

Fittex aktar tagħrif hawn …

TRS 2017.10.18 Clemmer – Julian of Norwich_s Experience of Prayer and Contemplation

TRS 2017.11.18 Ciappara – Moses the Prophet. Fact or Fiction

TRS 2017.12.12 Caruana – Science and Religion

Tista’ wkoll iċċempell fuq 2340 2767.

Author: Joe Farrugia

Segretarjat għal-Lajċi.

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