Kontribuzzjoni ta’ kulħadd, jinxtara ventilator

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Capture Ittra lill-Poplu ta’ Alla tal-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech Amministratur Appostoliku għal Għawdex …



Illum il-ħarsa tagħna tistrieħ fuq ix-xbieha tad-Duluri. Marija hija Addolorata għax refgħet ftit mis-salib ta’ Binha Ġesù. Bħalma Marija ma kenitx taf tibqa’ gallarija quddiem it-tbatija ta’ Ġesù, hekk ukoll aħna ma nistgħux nibqgħu indifferenti quddiem il-passjoni li għaddej minnha l-bniedem minħabba l-imxija tal-Covid-19. Xieraq li bħad-Duluri nerfgħu ftit mill-piż ta’ bħalissa.

Quddiem din l-emerġenza dinjija u nazzjonali aħna grati lejn l-Awtoritajiet Ċivili li qed jiddedikaw rizorsi umani u finanzjarji u qed jieħdu miżuri biex kemm jista’ jkun irażżnu l-imxija u jfejqu lil min ittieħed. Għal dan il-għan in-Nazzjon fetaħ is-senduq għalina!

Misjuq minn dan is-sens ta’ nazzjon, imma iktar u iktar mill-karità Nisranija… imsaħħaħ mill-eżempju ta’ xi żgħażagħ li qaluli li “jekk f’dan il-mument hekk diffiċli għal kulħadd, taf b’xi ħadd li huwa veru fil-bżonn, għidilna u lesti li ngħinu mingħajr ma jkun jaf kemm finanzjarjament u kemm b’affarijiet oħra” …. wara li smajt il-parir favorevoli ta’ xi saċerdoti… nagħmel appell biex bħala Knisja f’din il-gżira Għawdxija ndaħħlu jdejna fil-but u nagħmlu offerta ġeneruża biex nixtru ventilator li nagħtuh lill-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa ħalli jpoġġuh għas-servizz tal-pazjenti Għawdxin.

Qed nieħdu din l-inizjattiva biex nagħtu l-appoġġ tagħna lill-Awtoritajiet ts-Saħħa li qed jagħmlu minn kollox biex isalvaw il-ħajjiet. Hemm min jaħseb li l-Istat għandu bir bla qiegħ. Dan mhux minnu. Kif jgħid il-qawl, “tieħu bla ma trodd, is-swar tħott”! B’dan il-ġest ta’ solidarjetà ma’ dawk ħutna li huma f’riskju, aħna li normalment nirċievu ħafna mill-Istat, f’din il-qagħda daqshekk prekarja u delikata nixtiequ nagħmlu din l-offerta simbolika, konvinti li jekk intaffu ftit mill-ispiża enormi li qed issir fil-qasam tas-saħħa, l-Istat ikollu aktar xi jqassam f’oqsma soċjali oħra.

L-ossiġnu li permezz ta’ dan l-istrument ser jingħata lill-pazjent inqisuh qed jingħata lil Kristu. Niftakru li kien Kristu nnifsu li qalilna: “Ejjew, imberkin minn Missieri, ħudu b’wirt tagħkom is-Saltna li tħejjiet għalikom sa mill-ħolqien tad-dinja. Għax jien kont bil-ġuħ u tmajtuni, kont bil-għatx u sqejtuni, kont barrani u lqajtuni, kont għeri

u libbistuni, kont marid u ġejtu tarawni, kont fil-ħabs u ġejtu żżuruni” (Mt 25:34-36). Ma’ dawn wieħed jista’ jżid: ‘kont marid fis-sodda qed nifga u bl-istrument li tajtni għentni nerġa’ nieħu n-nifs!’.

Sa minn meta faqqgħet din l-imxija, aħna s-saċerdoti ppruvajna nagħtukom in-nifs billi weżinniekom bit-talb u farraġniekom bil-Kelma ta’ Alla; illum nixtiequ litteralment ngħinu lil min qed jinqatagħlu n-nifs jimla l-pulmuni bin-nifs.

Għalhekk nagħmel sejħa lis-saċerdoti tad-djoċesi tagħna biex nimpenjaw ruħna li kull wieħed minna jagħmel kontribuzzjoni ta’ mhux inqas minn €100 f’dan il-fond biex jinxtara ventilator li huwa stmat li jiswa madwar €50,000.

Nitlob lill-Kappillani, lir-Retturi, lill-Kunventi u lill-Iskejjel tal-Knisja f’Għawdex, u lill-Għaqdiet Reliġjużi biex mill-kaxxa komuni tagħhom jagħmlu l-istess.

Nappella lill-Insara jkunu ġenerużi u jagħtu sehemhom f’din l-inizjattiva. Kulħadd skont il-qies tiegħu: min jiflaħ ftit, jagħti ftit; min jiflaħ ħafna, jagħti ħafna.

Din il-kriżi tista’ tfaqqarna materjalment, imma mhux ser jirnexxilha tfaqqarna mill- imħabba! Ftit jiem oħra ser inkunu fil-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa – jiem li fihom niftakru li “Alla hekk ħabb lid-dinja li ta lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex kull min jemmen fih ma jintilifx” (Ġw 3:16). Minkejja li dawn huma żminijiet ta’ ħafna inċertezzi, ħa nirreċiprokaw din l-Imħabba billi nuru ftit imħabba mal-proxxmu tagħna.

Bl-interċessjoni ta’ Marija Addolorata nitlob fuqkom il-barka kotrana ta’ Alla. Mogħtija llum, il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ April 2020, festa tad-Duluri.

Mario Grech
Amministratur Appostoliku għal Għawdex

L-għotjiet jistgħu jiġu depożitati f’dan il-kont bankarju permezz ta’ online banking jew permezz ta’ Revolut: Isem tal-kont: COVID 19
Numru tal-kont: 35452320032
IBAN: MT91APSB77013000000035452320032
Swift Code: APSB MTMT

L-għotjiet jistgħu jitħallew ukoll mal-kappillani tal-Parroċċi jew mar-retturi tal- knejjes.


A Letter to the People of God by His Excellency Mgr Mario Grech Apostolic Administrator for Gozo


Dear Brethren

Our gaze today dwells on the image of Our Lady of Sorrows. Mary is sorrowful because she burdened herself with part of her Son’s Cross. Just as Mary could not remain impassive before the sufferings of Jesus, so we too cannot remain indifferent before the passion people are going through because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Like Our Lady of Sorrows we too should bear part of the present burden.

In the face of this worldwide and national emergency we are grateful to the Civil Authorities for dedicating human and financial resources and are implementing measures to contain the pandemic as much as possible and heal those who have been infected. For this purpose the Nation has thrown open its resources.

I have been inspired by this sense of Nationhood, but more and more by a sense of Christian charity… and I have also been fortified by the example of some young people. They have said to me “If at such a difficult time you know of someone really in need, please let us know: we are ready to help irrespective of the cost, but also through other means”. And I have also heard the favourable opinion of some priests… And so I make my appeal so that as a Church in our island of Gozo we all dip into our pockets and make our generous offering to be able to buy a ventilator which we will hand over to the Health Authorities so they will be able to use it for the benefit of Gozitan patients.

We are embarking on this initiative in order to support our Health Authorities who are doing their utmost to save lives. There are those who think that the State’s resources are limitless, but this is not the case. In the face of such a precarious and delicate situation, through this gesture of solidarity with our brethren who are at risk, we who normally receive much from the State, want to make this symbolic offering, convinced that if we do our part to relieve even minimally the enormous expenditure in the health sector, the State will have at its disposal more resources to address other areas of need.

Let us regard the oxygen which will be given to patients through this machine as being administered to Christ. It was Christ himself who told us: “Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation

of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me” (Mt 25:34-36). And one can add: ‘I was sick and short of breath in bed, and with the machine you gave me you helped me regain my breath!’

Ever since the outbreak of this pandemic, we priests have tried to help you breathe through supporting you with prayer, and comfort you through the Word of God; but today we want to help those who are short of breath by literally supplying their lungs with air!

For this reason I am hereby calling upon all the priests of the diocese to commit themselves to make a contribution of not less than Euro 100 towards this fund with which we will buy a ventilator estimated to cost around Euro 50,000.

I urge Parish Priests, Rectors, Convents and Church Schools in Gozo to do the same by dipping into their common funds.

I also appeal to all Christians to show their generosity and donate their share to this initiative. Everyone according to his means: those who can only afford a little should give a little, whereas those who can afford more, should give more.

This crisis can reduce us to material poverty but it will not succeed in making us poor in love! In a few days’ time we will be in Holy Week, a time which reminds us that “God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost” (Jn 3:16). Although these are uncertain times, let us reciprocate this Love and show our love for our neighbour.

Through the intercession of Our Lady of Sorrows, I implore God’s bountiful blessings upon you.

Given today, Friday 3rd April 2020, Commemoration of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Mario Grech
Apostolic Administrator for Gozo

Donations may be deposited in the following bank account, using online banking or Revolut: Account name: COVID 19 Account number: 35452320032
IBAN: MT91APSB77013000000035452320032
Swift Code: APSB MTMT

Donations may also be passed on to Parish priests and Church rectors.

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