Il-Papa Franġisku jbierek lil Malta bl-interċessjoni ta’ San Pawl fit-tluq tiegħu

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Telegramma tal-Papa Franġisku fit-tluq tiegħu minn Malta

Il-Ħadd, 3 ta’ April 2022: Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta, Gudja.

Immediately after the departure of the flight from Malta, his Holiness Pope Francis had the following telegram sent to the President of Malta, H.E. George William Vella:

His Excellency George Vella
President of Malta

As I depart from Malta on my return to Rome, I express anew my deep gratitude to your excellency, the civil authorities and all the Maltese people for the heartfelt kindness and hospitality shown to me during my visit. I pray that, through the intercession of St Paul the Apostle, your nation will be abundantly blessed by almighty God.

Franciscus PP.


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