Ħarġa speċjali ta’ “Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex”

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Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex, Awwissu-Settembru 2020, Nru 1020

Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex, Nru 1020

L-aħħar numru ta’ Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex hu edizzjoni speċjali ta’ tifkira tal-ħatra u l-inawgurazzjoni tal-Isqof il-ġdid ta’ Għawdex Anton Teuma, tislima lill-predeċessur tiegħu l-Isqof Mons. Mario Grech li issa telaq lejn Ruma biex jieħu r-rwol ta’ Segretarju Ġenerali tas-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet fil-Vatikan. Ħafna mill-kontenut illustrat ikopri bosta aspetti fil-ħajja u l-ħidma taż-żewġ isqfijiet, fost l-oħrajn l-isfond familjari tagħhom, l-edukazzjoni, u l-karigi preċedenti li kellhom fid-Djoċesi. Wieħed jaqra wkoll artikli dwar iż-żewġ isqfijiet minn persuni li ħadmu qrib tagħhom f’diversi kuntesti.

Kitbiet oħra huma dwar l-ewwel anniversarju mill-mewt ta’ ‘Missier il-Ktieb Malti’, jiġifieri Pawlu Mizzi, u dwar il-lingwista u kittieb Ninu Cremona, figura nazzjonali, b’appell għaż-żamma aħjar tal-qabar tiegħu fiċ-ċimiterju lokali. Artikli oħra jesploraw il-kult ta’ San Ġużepp fil-gżira, u r-rabta bejn il-Knisja u l-isport.

Jekk m’intix abbonat/a u tixtieq tiżgura l-kopja tiegħek ta’ din il-ħarġa speċjali, ibgħat email lil:


jew sib Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex fuq Facebook.

Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex, August-September 2020, No 1020

The latest number of Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex has been designated a special edition to mark the appointment and installation of the new Bishop of Gozo Anton Teuma, as well as the departure to Rome of his predecessor Bishop Mgr Mario Grech to take up his new post as Secretary-General of the Synod of Bishops at the Vatican. Most of the illustrated content covers various aspects in the lives and work of the two bishops, including their family background, education, and the previous posts they held in the Diocese. There are also pen portraits of both bishops by people who worked closely with them in various contexts.

Other items concern the first anniversary of the demise of the ‘father of Maltese publications’, namely, Pawlu Mizzi, and  the linguist and writer Ninu Cremona, a national figure, with an appeal for the proper rehabilitation and maintenance of the latter’s grave at the local cemetery. Other articles explore the cult of Saint Joseph on the island, and the connection between the Church and sports.

If you are not subscribed and would like to obtain a copy of this special souvenir edition, send an email to:


or find Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex on Facebook.

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