Kif għandhom ikunu l-omeliji fil-ġejjieni?

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L-Arċisqof ta’ Munich, il-Kardinal Reinhard Marx jisuġġerixxi kif għandhom ikunu l-omeliji fil-ġejjieni. Huwa jgħid li jinsab diżappuntat minn xi omeliji li jsiru fid-djoċesi tiegħu, u hemm nuqqas ta’ varjeta fost il-predikaturi, Huwa jgħid li fil-liturġija għandna ninkludu lil dawk il-lajċi li għandhom id-don tal-kelma. U jgħid ukoll li l-letturi għandhom ikunu preparati aħjar.

Cardinal Marx, Archbishop of Munich and President of the German Bishops’ Conference, expressed his wish for “a greater variety of homilies.”

HARALD OPPITZ/KNA/CIRICCardinal Reinhard Marx, the President of the German Bishops’ Conference, admits he has been “a little disappointed” by some of the homilies in his diocese. He is calling for the preaching of lay people who are formed and have a “gift.”

“Don’t we want to ask the one with a gift to speak?” he asked, explicitly targeting lay people with this talent and duly trained. “Don’t we want to ask the one with a gift to speak?” he stressed.The question was asked by Cardinal Marx, Archbishop of Munich …

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